These general purpose rubbers are graded by precise technical
standards and not by visual characteristics as described in Part II.
These technically specified rubbers carry, amongst others, the following
designations for the listed countries of origin.
SMR - Standard Malaysian Rubber
SIR - Standard Indonesian Rubber
SSR - Specified Singapore Rubber
SLR - Standard Lanka Rubber
TTR - Thai Tested Rubber
NSR - Nigerian Standard Rubber
Each of the producing countries listed above have
publications describing in detail the technical particulars as well as the
methods employed in the operation of their programs including the specified
packaging. These publications may be obtained by addressing an inquiry to the
following addresses:
SMR - Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia
PO Box 150
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 0102
SIR - Directorate for Standardization and Quality Control
CTC Building, 3rd Floor
94-96 Kramat Raya
Ministry of Trade
Jakarta, Indonesia
SSR - Rubber Association of Singapore
12th Floor
Singapore Rubber House
14 Collyer Quay
Singapore, 1
SLR - The Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka
Danton Field
Agalawatta, Sri Lanka
TTR - Project Manager
Rubber Research Center
Hatyai, Thailand
NSR - Nigerian Rubber Board
PMB 1084
Benin City
Bendel, Nigeria
Other countries such as India, Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Liberia
also produce these rubber and the technical details may be obtained from the